Change is Inevitable for Success

One thing’s for sure. If we keep doing what we’re doing, we will keep getting what we’re getting. The definition of insanity. Doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results,” Stephen Covey. We may not be crazy, but it sure feels like it sometimes. You know, we all have experienced it when we think everything is starting to go well, Bam! Suddenly, we need more money; our website gets a virus, and customers leave or don’t sign up. Then, a key person quits, the staff becomes unhappy, or we get highly negative social media comments that could hurt our business. We think things will get better if we keep steady and keep doing what we are doing. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Something is broken. It’s crucial to find the issues and weaknesses and the solutions.  

How often do you go to the same store complaining about their dirty bathrooms and rude staff? Or frequenting restaurants that fail to recognize you even though it’s your 50th visit or make promises to make changes and don’t follow through, the list goes on. Finally, you just quit going.

Many businesses seem to think they are invincible to failure or don’t care. Don’t be one of them and think its magically going o disappear or fix itself. We all know the golden rule listen to your customers and make the necessary changes. Change, however, is usually uncomfortable but a necessity for business success. Effective business strategy involves ongoing change. Listen to staff, to your customers, build an influential culture that can weather the storms. What can brings about these results? No doubt about it, business is a numbers game, and you need useful information to implement changes if you’re going to win.

Let’s start here, to be successful in business, you have to anticipate problems and find practical solutions. It’s just part of the package and the process when you own a company. Fixing them is a learned ability to develop a strategy and action plan, seek new information, utilize specific tools, and seek out people who have the knowledge and expertise to help. Attempting to do everything yourself is filling a prophecy to fail. With a process and consistent effort, almost anyone can learn to fix and solve issues to grow and prosper. A special note: be realistic in your skills and knowledge and to reach out for help.

Here are five steps I would like to share to keep you grounded, but remember, change is always up for discussion.

Stay focused on a genuine business opportunity where enough customers are willing to pay for your service or product so the company can operate profitably.

  • Develop a marketing plan that effectively connects the company to the clients designed to serve. Activity levels are essential; marketing is a contact sport.
  • Create a business model that makes solid financial sense. This model involves Revenues, Profit Centers, Margins, Overhead Cost Centers, and Net Profits. Reliable Financial Information Systems are vital for business success. No doubt about it, business is a numbers game, and you need useful information if you’re going to win.
  • You are putting a plan in place of your operation to run smoothly and efficiently. This plan can often be the most difficult of the five problems, especially as your company grows. Building a process that creates accountability and responsibility both for employees and customers will naturally lead to efficient operations and long term success.
  • Creating a company culture that tackles business challenges encompassed by your mission and goals cultivates forward momentum. Your company represents to your customers what your inner culture represents—this company culture you create critical to success and needs to be a severe consideration point.


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