Course/ Coaching Time Management Offer

                                            Does the FEAR of not having enough time hold you back?

Find yourself running in circles, stressed?

Ending the day with a to-do list that never gets done?

Priorities falling to the wayside? 

Do you feel your business or family are suffering?





* Does the FEAR of not having enough time hold you back?

Find yourself running in circles, stressed?

* Ending the day with a to-do list that never gets done?

* Priorities falling to the wayside? 

* Do you feel your business or family are suffering?


                                                       STOP LETTING THE TIME CONTROL YOU – TAKE CHARGE!

With this time limited offer you receive:

Tool #1: Comprehensive Digital Interactive Course Video

Tool #2: PDF Exercise “Ten Key Time Management Mistakes”

Tool # 3: PDF Exercise “My PDF Self-Assessment”

Tool # 4: PDF “Daily Time Management Tracking Sheet”

Tool #5 Free Facebook Group to Overcome Fears of Success and Grow Your Business

Tool #6 Opportunity to  explore a Bootcamp that builds a solid, profitable, future proof business



                                   STOP LETTING THE TIME CONTROL YOU – TAKE CHARGE!

Tool #1: Comprehensive Digital Interactive Course Video

Tool #2: PDF Exercise “Ten Key Time Management Mistakes”

Tool # 3: PDF Exercise “My PDF Self-Assessment”

Tool # 4: PDF “Daily Time Management Tracking Sheet”

Tool #5 Free Facebook Group to Overcome Fears of Success and Grow Your Business

Tool #6 Opportunity to  explore a Bootcamp that builds a solid, profitable, future proof business

   ***Some key benefits of time management are better habits, greater productivity, and less stress! One Time Special Offer for a Comprehensive Interactive Formula for the Long Term Success $179.99 NOW $47. So confident it will help you manage your time effectively I offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee. 

Introductory Offer 10 Days Only $47

Limited Special Offer for a Comprehensive Interactive Video, Smart Choice Formula for the Long Term Success. Limited time offers $159.00 NOW $47. It’s never too late to take the challenge to move past your fears and accomplish your dreams. I am confident it will empower you to manage and eliminate the self-doubt that holds you back. 

Entrepreneurs must prioritize time management. That's because entrepreneurs have to own every part of their business. An entrepreneur must understand which tasks should come first, how much time to allocate to each task, and how and what to delegate to others in the business to efficiently move it forward.

Business owners of today are constantly juggling time with quality and cost, and trying to do so in a rapidly changing environment. With the goal of uncompromised results, it’s critical to plan, set priorities, and act quickly and decisively. By applying 8 proven time management approaches, you’ll never fear the word deadline again!

Improved time management increases your focus, builds confidence, and allows you to plan your time more effectively. Effective time management helps leaders, entrepreneurs, and small business owners achieve their goals. Worth repeating, managing your time wisely improves work-life balance and increases happiness.

The values and work ethic displayed by a company's decision makers have a direct influence on company culture, and many times, on a business' profitability. Time management improves the efficiency and effectiveness of a business, and business owners should continuously work on developing, or improving, their own time management skills.

© Biz Star Power, LLC, 2021 / All Rights Reserved. Brenda Hilliard CEO, BSW, MSAS, MBA Award-Winning, Master Coach, Entrepreneur, and Business Strategist. | this site is not a part of the Facebook™ website or Facebook™ Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook™ in any way. FACEBOOK™ is a trademark of FACEBOOK™, Inc. Disclaimer: All results vary with effort, determination, willingness to build and implement skills, attend meetings, participate in activities, and utilize information wisely. privacy |Terms & Conditions | Contact. 


© Biz Star Power, LLC, 2021 / All Rights Reserved. Brenda Hilliard CEO, BSW, MSAS, MBA Award-Winning, Master Coach, Entrepreneur, and Business Strategist. | this site is not a part of the Facebook™ website or Facebook™ Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook™ in any way. FACEBOOK™ is a trademark of FACEBOOK™, Inc. Disclaimer: All results vary with effort, determination, willingness to build and implement skills, attend meetings, participate in activities, and utilize information wisely. privacy |Terms & Conditions | Contact.